I don't know this bothers me so much, but it does. The other day Nick came home from a bachelor party, where they talked about married life. They were telling the groom about how married life is great, but honestly there was one part that bugged me.
Nick tells me that he is often ridiculed or made fun of for not being able to eat out. It's not that he can't eat out, but we are trying to scrimp and save for a house, so any money we can save we will. Am I the only person on the planet that thinks this is stupid? Really? Are we 12?
Apparently it's not just that he is not made fun of for that, but also that I do the finances and he tells me when he spends money. Umm....what? Balancing a checkbook isn't a thing of the past people; it's a way of the future. He texts me or sends me the receipts.
I feel like younger generations (like mine, obviously) don't keep track of their money like they should. Yes, I like to balance to the penny, but when we're not making a lot of money, every dollar counts. It should count for everyone! People should watch what they spend. When they realize they could afford something expensive if they just took a break with spending on getting a coffee every day, that money adds up.
Don't tell my husband that it's bad that he doesn't eat out. A) It helps him be healthier. B) It helps our wallet. C) Mind your damn business.
Please tell me that I am not alone. /endrant